I’ve got a bit of a thing for bitcrushers.
I have done ever since I encountered them as software plug-ins in the early noughties. Francine is the fourth Lateral ‘analogue bitcrusher’ or ‘down-sampler’ in 15 years.
I like how they can pull your sound apart. I like how they can bring sparkly harmonies or be heavy-handed and destructive. I like how they work with different sound sources. I like how they pair with other effects.
Enough about me though, here’s Francine:
I’m really pleased with Francine. She’s not just a quirky special effect, she works really well when you want something extra - a different texture or mood or feel but when you don’t want to just resort to the usual suspects.
Your pedal will be shipped up to 7 days after ordering (To allow us time to build it for you!)